On this page, I explain the basic of balancing chemical equations. I assume that you understand the basic of chemical formulas and moles, I explain these concepts in another page. If you are looking how to balance redox equations, click in this link.

The outline for this page is:

  1. Theory
  2. Explained exercises
  3. Exercises


I have created a video in YouTube based on the theory explained here. You can see the video by clicking here.

A chemical equation is an equation used to describe a chemical reaction, stating the chemical species involved and their proportions. For example: for the reaction

Methane + Oxygen   →  Carbon dioxide + water

The equation is

CH4(g) + 2O2(g)       →         CO2(g)+ 2H2O(g)

The equation indicates that 1 molecule (or mol) of methane gas reacts with 2 molecules (or moles) of oxygen gas to give 1 molecule (or mol) of carbon dioxide gas and 2 molecules (or moles) of water gas (gas at room temperature is a liquid, however, as this reaction is exothermic and generate a considerable amount of heat, the water appears as vapour). Sometimes is required to write in brackets the physical state of the molecules, the state symbols used are:

State symbolMeaning
(aq)Aqueous solution

The compounds on the left are called reactants and on the right products. The number that indicates the number of molecules or mols are called coefficients. In the examples below, the reactants are CH4 and O2, the products: CO2 and H2O, the coefficients of the O2 and H2O is 2 and the coefficient of the CH4 and CO2 is 1 (when it is 1, it is usually omitted):

Balancing chemical equations is essential for understanding and predicting the behavior of chemical reactions, and for making quantitative predictions about the amounts of reactants and products involved in a reaction.

I will explain two methods to balance equations: the traditional method (it is easier for most of the cases and it helps to improve your knowledge of chemistry) and the algebraic method (based on solving mathematical equations, I use this method when the traditional method is challenging).

Traditional method


  1. Write down each formula of each substance involved in the equation.
  2. Bear in mind that the final number of each atom in the reactants and in the products should be the same. If you want to sound more technical, you can say that you are applying the law of the conservation of mass.
  3. Identify the most complex substance. Try to find an atom (element) or ionic component (like SO42-, NO3, …) that appears in only one reactant and in only one product, if possible, and adjust the coefficients to ensure that the same number of atoms are on both sides of the equation.
  4. Continue balancing the equation, leaving the simple atoms at the end.
  5. Coefficients can be written as simple fractions (1/2, 2/3, …), if you don’t like fractions, we can multiply the whole equation (i.e. every single molecule in the equation) for an adequate number to make them whole numbers, for example:

Na(s) + H2O   → NaOH(aq) + ½ H2(g)

can also be written as

2Na(s) + 2H2O  → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)


Given the equation

CH4(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g)+ H2O(g)

I fix CH4 to 1

1CH4(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g)+ H2O(g)

As I start with 1 atom of C and 4 atoms of H (no other reactants have C or H), in the products I will finish with 1 atom of C and 4 atoms of H. Let’s go by steps:

1CH4(g) + O2(g)  → 1CO2(g)+ H2O(g)

1CH4(g) + O2(g)  → 1CO2(g)+ 2H2O(g)

The only element left is the O, and we have fixed the molecules of CH4, CO2 and H2O, so the only component remained to fix is the O2. Let’s work by steps:

1CH4(g) + O2(g)  → 1CO2(g)+ 2H2O(g)

1CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → 1CO2(g)+ 2H2O(g)

Algebraic method

(Also known as Bottomley’s method). This method uses algebraic equations. Steps are:

  1. Write down each formula of each substance involved in the equation.
  2. Assign a letter for each coefficient in the chemical equation
  3. Group the letters by atoms or ionic species creating equations making those that appear as reactant in one side (say left) and those of the products on the other (say right)
  4. Assign an arbitrary number (typically 1) to a coefficient (letter) 
  5. Resolve the equations

Given the equation

CH4(g) + O2(g) → CO2(g)+ H2O(g)

I assign a letter to each coefficient

aCH4(g) + bO2(g) → cCO2(g)+ dH2O(g)

I group the letters by elements and creating equations, bearing in mind that the numbers on one side are for the reactants on the other those for products:

  • C: as reactant appears once as a (from the CH4­) and as product appear once as c (from CO2), i.e.:

C: a = c

  • H: as reactant appears 4 times as a (from the CH4­) and as product appears 2 times as d (from H2O), i.e.:

H: 4a = 2d

  • O: as reactant appears twice b (from the O2­) and as product appears twice as c (from CO2) and once as d (1 time from H2O), i.e.:

O: 2b = 2c + d

Putting all together:

C: a = c

H: 4a = 2d

O: 2b = 2c + d

Now, I fix 1 letter, say a = 1. If a = 1:

(a =) c =>  1 = c

4a = 2d => 4×1 = 2d => d = 4/2 = 2

2b = 2c + d => 2b = 2×1 + 2 = 2 +2 = 4 => b = 4/2 = 2

Replacing a, b, c and d in the original equation:

CH4(g) + 2O2(g) → CO2(g)+ 2H2O(g)

To ensure that the equation is balanced, we need to check that the number of atoms that appear in the reactants are the same that in the products

Atom Number in reactants Number in products
C 1 from CH4 Total: 1 1 from CO2 Total: 1
H 4 from CH4 Total: 4 2 from each H2O: i.e.: 4 Total: 4
O 2 from each O2 Total: 4 2 from each CO2, i.e.: 2 1 from each H2O: i.e.: 2 Total: 4


Explained exercises

1. TiCl4 + Mg → Ti  + MgCl2

Answer: TiCl4 + 2Mg → Ti  +  2MgCl2

Steps (traditional):

i. Fixing TiCl4 in reactants to 1:

1TiCl4 + Mg → Ti  + MgCl2

ii.  Adjusting the products to 1 Ti and 4 Cl:

(1)TiCl4 + Mg  → 1Ti  + 2MgCl2

iii.  The only element left is Mg from the reactants, as we have 2 Mg from the products, this should be 2 in the reactants:

(1)TiCl4 + 2Mg → (1)Ti  + 2MgCl2

i.e: TiCl4 + 2Mg → Ti  +  2MgCl2

Steps (algebra):

aTiCl4 + bMg → cTi  + dMgCl2

Algebraic equations:

                            Ti: a = c

                            Cl: 4a = 2d

                            Mg: b = d

 Resolution I fix a = 1, then:

                             a = 1

                             c = 1

                             4a = 2d => 4 = 2d => d = 2

                             b = d => b = 2

Result: TiCl4 + 2Mg → Ti  +  2MgCl2

Atom Number in reactants Number in products
Ti 1 1
Cl 4 2 x 2 = 4
Mg 2 2

2. Na(s) + H2O → NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

Answer: Na(s) + H2O → NaOH(aq) + 1/2H2(g)

Or: 2Na(s) + 2H2O → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

Steps (traditional):

       i.  Fixing Na in reactants to 1:

1Na(s) + H2O → NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

       ii. In products, Na only appears in NaOH, then, we fix it to 1

(1)Na(s) + H2O → (1)NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

iii. Inspecting what we have so far, we can see that we have left are the atoms of O and the H:

–  the O appears in H2O (not fixed yet) and NaOH (fixed)

– the H appears in H2O (not fixed yet), NaOH (fixed) and H2 (not fixed yet)

therefore, it is easier to use the O and fix the H2O (if we use the H, we will have 2 to fix: H2O and H2). As in the products we have fixed the atoms to O to 1, in the reactants we need to fix it to 1, i.e. the H2O is 1:

(1)Na(s) + (1)H2O(1)NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

iv. The only element left is the H. We have 2 atoms of H in the reactants via H2O (already fixed) and in the products we have 1 atom of H in the NaOH (already fixed) and 2 atoms of H in the H2 (not fixed yet). To make ensure that the number of atoms of H in both sides of the equation are equal, each molecule (mol) of H2 should contribute with 1 atom, so we need ½ molecule (mol) of H2.

(1)Na(s) + (1)H2O → (1)NaOH(aq) + (1/2)H2(g)

v. This is the answer, however, if you don’t want fraction, multiply the whole equation (reactants and products) by 2

2Na(s) + 2H2O → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

Steps (Algebra):

i) Inserting the coefficients: aNa(s) + bH2O → cNaOH(aq) + dH2(g)

ii) Write the equations:

Na: a = c

H: 2b = c + 2d

O: b = c

iii) Fix 1 coefficient to 1, say a = 1

iv) Solve the system

              If a = 1, then:

As a = c  => c = 1

As b = c => b = 1

We only have d to solve:   2b = c + 2d => 2×1 = 1 + 2xd => d = ½

v) Write the result:

Na(s) + H2O → NaOH(aq) + 1/2H2(g)

Or: 2Na(s) + 2H2O → 2NaOH(aq) + H2(g)

Counting the atoms (the 1st number is for the 1st result given, the number in brackets is the number in the 2nd results given)

Atom Number in reactants Number in products
Na 1(2) 1(2)
H 2(4) 2(4)
O 1(2) 1(2)

3. CH2OH + O2 → CO2 + H2O

Answer: 4CH2OH + 5O2 → 4CO2 +  6H2O

Steps (traditional):

i. I fix the CH2OH to 1,

1CH2OH + O2 → CO2 +  3H2O

ii. and this fix the number of the atoms of C and H on the products (C and H are only provided by the CH2OH, but the atom of O is also given by O2). Let’s do by steps:

a) Atoms of C on the products: I only have 1 atom of C from the reactants, then I can only have 1 atom of C on the products, and therefore I only have 1 CO2:

1CH2OH + O21CO2 +  H2O

b) Atoms of H on the products: I only have 3 atoms of H from the reactants, then I can only have 3 atoms of H on the products, all of them in the molecule of H2O. As each molecule of H2O has 2 atoms of H, I need 3/2 molecules of H2O:

1CH2OH +  O2 → 1CO23/2H2O

iii. The only atom left is the O and the molecule of O2 in the reactants.

a) In the products, I have 2 atoms of O from the molecule of CO2 and 3/2 of atoms from the H2O, giving me a total of 2 + 3/2 = 7/2

b) In the reactants I have 1 atom of O from the CH2OH, the ((7/2)-1 = 5/2) needed has to come from the O2, as each molecule of O2 contribute with 2 atoms of O, the number has to be divided by 2 ((5/2)/2 = 5/4)

1CH2OH + 5/4O21CO2 + 3/2H2O

iv. The equation is solved, to remove the fraction, you can multiply it by 4:

4CH2OH + 5O2 → 4CO2 + 6H2O

Steps (algebra):

 i) Inset coefficients

aCH2OH + bO2cCO2 + dH2O

ii) Equations:

C: a = c

H: 3a = 2d

O: a + 2b = 2c + d

iii) Fixing 1 coefficient, say a = 1

iv) Solve the system

As a = c => c = 1

As 3a = 2d => 3×1 = 2d => d = 3/2

As a + 2b = 2c + d => 1 + 2b = 2×1 + 3/2 => b = 5/4

 v) Write the equation replacing the coefficients by their values:

              CH2OH + 5/4O2 → CO2 + 3/2H2O

 Or multiplying by 4:

4CH2OH + 5O2 → 4CO2 + 6H2O

Atom Number in reactants Number in products
C 4 4
H 12 12
O 14 14


List of exercises. Click in the number of the exercise to go to the exercise.

1Mg + O2 →  MgO2Mg + O2 → 2MgOEasy 
2Fe + Cl2→ FeCl32Fe + 3Cl2 → 2 FeCl3Easy
3Ca + H20 → Ca(OH)2 + H2Ca + 2 H20 → Ca(OH)2 + H2Easy 
4C7H16 + O2 → CO2 + H2OC7H16 + 11O2 → 7CO2 + 8H2OEasy
5C8H18 + O2 → CO2 + H2O2C8H18 + 25O2 → 16CO2 + 18H2OEasy
6PCl5 + H2O → H3PO4 + HClPCl5 + 4H2O → H3PO4 + 5HClMedium
7P4O10 + H2O → H3PO42P4O10 + 6H2O → 4H3PO4Medium
8SiCl4 + H2O → H4SiO4 + HClSiCl4 + 4H2O → H4SiO4 + 4HClMedium
9Al + HCl → AlCl3 + H22Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2Easy
10Na2CO3 + HCl → NaCl + H2O + CO2Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + CO2Hard
11Fe2(SO4)3 + KOH → K2SO4 + Fe(OH)3Fe2(SO4)3 + 6KOH → 3K2SO4 + 2Fe(OH)3Medium
12Ca3(PO4)2 + SiO2 → P4O10 + CaSiO32Ca3(PO4)2 + 6SiO2 → P4O10 + 6CaSiO3Hard
13KClO3 → KClO4 + KCl4KClO3 → 3KClO4 + KClHard
14Al2(SO4)3 + Ca(OH)2 → Al(OH)3 + CaSO4Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 → 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4Medium
15H2SO4 + HI → H2S + I2 + H2OH2SO4 + 8HI → H2S + 4I2 + 4H2OHard
16Al + O2 → Al2O34Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3Medium
17Al(NO3)3 + NaOH → Al(OH)3 + NaNO3Al(NO3)3 + 3NaOH → Al(OH)3 + 3NaNO3Medium
18O2 + CS2 →CO2 + SO23O2 + CS2 →CO2 + 2SO2Medium
19BaF2 + K3PO4 → Ba3(PO4)2 + KF3BaF2 + 2K3PO4 → Ba3(PO4)2 + 6KFMedium
20H2SO4 +Mg(NO3)2→ MgSO4 + HNO3H2SO4 +Mg(NO3)2→ MgSO4 + 2HNO3 

1. Mg + O2 →  MgO

Answer: 2Mg + O2 → 2MgO


1Mg + O2 → MgO

1Mg + O21MgO

Mg + ½ O2 → MgO

2Mg + O2 → 2 MgO

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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2. Fe + Cl2→ FeCl3

Answer: 2Fe + 3Cl2 →2FeCl3


Fe + Cl22FeCl3

Fe + 3Cl22FeCl3

2Fe + 3Cl2 → 2FeCl3

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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3. Ca + H20 → Ca(OH)2 + H2

Answer: Ca + 2 H20 → Ca(OH)2 + H2


1Ca + H20 → Ca(OH)2 + H2

1Ca + H20 → 1Ca(OH)2 + H2

1Ca + 2H20 → 1Ca(OH)2 + H2

1Ca + 2H20 → 1Ca(OH)2 + 1H2

Ca + 2H20 → Ca(OH)2 + H2

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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4. C7H16 + O2 → CO2 + H2O

Answer: C7H16 + 11O2 → 7CO2 + 8H2O


1C7H16 + O2 → CO2 + H2O

1C7H16 + O27CO2 + H2O

1C7H16 + O2 → 7CO2 + 8H2O

C7H16 + 11O27CO2 + 8H2O

C7H16 + 11O2 → 7CO2 + 8H2O

AtomsNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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5. C8H18 + O2 → CO2 + H2O

Answer: 2C8H18 + 25O2 → 16CO2 + 18H2O


1C8H18 + O2 → CO2 + H2O

1C8H18 + O28CO2 + H2O

1C8H18 + O2 → 8CO2 + 9H2O

1C8H18 + 25/2O28CO2 + 9H2O

1C8H18 + 25/2O2 → 8CO2 + 9H2O

2C8H18 + 25O2 → 16CO2 + 18H2O

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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6. PCl5 + H2O → H3PO4 + HCl

Answer: PCl5 + 4H2O → H3PO4 + 5HCl


1PCl5 + H2O → 1H3PO4 + HCl

1PCl5 + H2O → 1H3PO4 + HCl

1PCl5 + H2O → 1H3PO4 + 5HCl

1PCl5 + 4H2O1H3PO4 + 5HCl

1PCl5 + 4H2O → 1H3PO4 + 5HCl

PCl5 + 4H2O → H3PO4 + 5HCl

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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7. P4O10 + H2O → H3PO4

Answer: P4O10 + 6H2O → 4H3PO4


1P4O10 + H2O → H3PO4

1P4O10 + H2O → 4H3PO4

1P4O10 + 6H2O → 4H3PO4

1P4O10 + 6H2O4H3PO4 (step not needed, just checking O atoms)

P4O10 + 6H2O → 4H3PO4

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8. SiCl4 + H2O → H4SiO4 + HCl

Answer: SiCl4 + 4H2O → H4SiO4 + 4HCl


1SiCl4 + H2O → 1H4SiO4 + HCl

1SiCl4 + H2O → 1H4SiO4 + HCl

1SiCl4 + H2O → 1H4SiO4 + 4HCl

1SiCl4 + 4H2O1H4SiO4 + 4HCl

1SiCl4 + 4H2O → 1H4SiO4 + 4HCl (step not needed, just checking H atoms)

SiCl4 + 4H2O → H4SiO4 + 4HCl

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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9. Al + HCl → AlCl3 + H2

Answer: 2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2


1Al + HCl → 1AlCl3 + H2

1Al + HCl → 1AlCl3 + H2

1Al + 3HCl1AlCl3 + H2

1Al + 3HCl → 1AlCl3 + 3/2H2

2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2

2Al + 6HCl → 2AlCl3 + 3H2

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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10. Na2CO3 + HCl → NaCl + H2O + CO2

Answer: Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + CO2


1Na2CO3 + HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + CO2

 1Na2CO3 + HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + CO2

1Na2CO3 + HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + 1CO2

1Na2CO3 + HCl → 2NaCl + 1H2O + 1CO2

1Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + 1H2O + 1CO2

1Na2CO3 + 2HCl2NaCl + 1H2O + 1CO2 (step not needed, just checking Cl atoms)

Na2CO3 + 2HCl → 2NaCl + H2O + CO2

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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11. Fe2(SO4)3 + KOH → K2SO4 + Fe(OH)3

Answer: Fe2(SO4)3 + 6KOH → 3K2SO4 + 2Fe(OH)3


Note: SO42- and OH are ionic components, treated as a whole unit.

1Fe2(SO4)3 + KOH → K2SO4 + Fe(OH)3

1Fe2(SO4)3 + KOH → K2SO4 + 2Fe(OH)3

1Fe2(SO4)3 + KOH → 3K2SO4 + 2Fe(OH)3  

1Fe2(SO4)3 + 6KOH → 3K2SO4 + 2Fe(OH)3              

1Fe2(SO4)3 + 6KOH → 3K2SO4 + 2Fe(OH)3 (step not needed, just checking OH)                 

Fe2(SO4)3 + 6KOH → 3K2SO4 + 2Fe(OH)3

Atom(s)Number in reactantsNumber in products

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12. Ca3(PO4)2 + SiO2 → P4O10 + CaSiO3

Answer: 2Ca3(PO4)2 + 6SiO2 → P4O10 + 6CaSiO3


1Ca3(PO4)2 + SiO2 → P4O10 + CaSiO3

1Ca3(PO4)2 + SiO2 → P4O10 + 3CaSiO3

1Ca3(PO4)2 + SiO2 → 1/2P4O10 + 3CaSiO3

1Ca3(PO4)2 + 3SiO2 → 1/2P4O10 + 3CaSiO3

1Ca3(PO4)2 + 3SiO2 → 1/2P4O10 + 3CaSiO3              (step not needed, just checking O)

2Ca3(PO4)2 + 6SiO2 → 1P4O10 + 6CaSiO3                 (adjusting coefficients)

2Ca3(PO4)2 + 6SiO2 → P4O10 + 6CaSiO3

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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13. KClO3 → KClO4 + KCl

Answer: 4KClO3 → 3KClO4 + KCl

This problem is more complex that it seems at the beginning. As K and Cl appears in all the 3 molecules, we start with O, that only appears in 2 of the molecules and we make it equal in both sides of the equation:

4KClO3 → 3KClO4 + KCl

The only specie that we have left if KCl. We can start with Cl, or K, but as they are always in the same ratio (1:1), I put both of them together. If you prefer, you can be more systematic and do 1 by 1:

4KClO3 → 3KClO4 + 1KCl

4KClO3 → 3KClO4 + KCl

If you get stuck in a problem like this, it is worth to try the algebraic method:

aKClO3 → bKClO4 + cKCl


              K: a = b + c

              Cl: a = b + c

              O: 3a = 4b


              Fix a = 1

              From the O: 3×1 = 4b => b = ¾

              From the K or the Cl: a = b + c => 1 = ¾ + c => c = ¼


              1KClO3 → ¾ KClO4 + ¼KCl

              Or multiplying by 4: 4KClO3 → 3KClO4 + KCl

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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14. Al2(SO4)3 + Ca(OH)2 → Al(OH)3 + CaSO4

Answer: Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 → 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4


Note: SO42- and OH ionic components

1Al2(SO4)3 + Ca(OH)2 → Al(OH)3 + CaSO4

 1Al2(SO4)3 + Ca(OH)2 → 2Al(OH)3 + CaSO4

1Al2(SO4)3 + Ca(OH)2 → 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4

1Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 → 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4

1Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 → 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4         (not needed, checking OH)

Al2(SO4)3 + 3Ca(OH)2 → 2Al(OH)3 + 3CaSO4

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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15. H2SO4 + HI → H2S + I2 + H2O

Answer: H2SO4 + 8HI → H2S + 4I2 + 4H2O


1H2SO4 + HI → H2S + I2 + H2O

1H2SO4 + HI → 1H2S + I2 + H2O

1H2SO4 + HI → 1H2S + I2 + 4H2O

1H2SO4 + 8HI → 1H2S + I2 + 4H2O

1H2SO4 + 8HI → 1H2S + 4I2 + 4H2O

H2SO4 + 8HI → H2S + 4I2 + 4H2O

As this equation is a bit challenging, using the algebra approach might make it easier:

aH2SO4 + bHI → cH2S + dI2 + eH2O


 H: 2a + b = 2c + 2e

S: a = c

O: 4a = e

I: b = 2d


Fix a = 1

From S: a = c => c = 1

From O: 4a = e => 4×1 = e => e = 4

From H: 2a + b = 2c + 2e => 2×1 + b = 2×1 + 2×4 => 2 + b = 10 => b = 8

From I: b = 2d => 8 = 2d => d = 4


1H2SO4 + 8HI → 1H2S + 4I2 + 4H2O

H2SO4 + 8HI → H2S + 4I2 + 4H2O

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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16. Al + O2 → Al2O3

Answer: 4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3


2Al + O2Al2O3                  (As I have 2 Al on the Al2O3, it seems a good choice to use 2)

2Al + O21Al2O3

2Al + 3/2O2 1Al2O3

4Al + 3O22Al2O3

4Al + 3O2 → 2Al2O3

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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17. Al(NO3)3 + NaOH → Al(OH)3 + NaNO3

Answer: Al(NO3)3 + 3NaOH → Al(OH)3 + 3NaNO3


1Al(NO3)3 + NaOH → Al(OH)3 + NaNO3

1Al(NO3)3 + NaOH → 1Al(OH)3 + NaNO3

1Al(NO3)3 + NaOH → 1Al(OH)3 + 3NaNO3

1Al(NO3)3 + 3NaOH → 1Al(OH)3 + 3NaNO3

1Al(NO3)3 + 3NaOH1Al(OH)3 + 3NaNO3            (Not needed, checking OH)

Al(NO3)3 + 3NaOH → Al(OH)3 + 3NaNO3

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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18. O2 + CS2 →CO2 + SO2

Answer: 3O2 + CS2 →CO2 + 2SO2


O2 + 1CS2 →CO2 + SO2       (S and C appear 1 reactants and 1 product)

O2 + 1CS21CO2 + SO2

O2 + 1CS2 →1CO2 + 2SO2

3O2 + 1CS21CO2 + 2SO2

3O2 + CS2 →CO2 + 2SO2

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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19. BaF2 + K3PO4 → Ba3(PO4)2 + KF

Answer: 3BaF2 + 2K3PO4 → Ba3(PO4)2 + 6KF


BaF2 + K3PO41Ba3(PO4)2 + KF

3BaF2 + K3PO41Ba3(PO4)2 + KF

3BaF2 + 2K3PO4 → 1Ba3(PO4)2 + KF

3BaF2 + 2K3PO4 → 1Ba3(PO4)2 + 6KF

3BaF2 + 2K3PO4 → 1Ba3(PO4)2 + 6KF          (Steps not needed, checking F)

3BaF2 + 2K3PO4 → Ba3(PO4)2 + 6KF

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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20. H2SO4 + Mg(NO3)2→ MgSO4 + HNO3

Answer: H2SO4 +Mg(NO3)2→ MgSO4 + 2HNO3


H2SO4 +1Mg(NO3)2→ MgSO4 + HNO3

H2SO4 +1Mg(NO3)21MgSO4 + HNO3

H2SO4 +1Mg(NO3)2→ 1MgSO4 + 1HNO3

1H2SO4 +1Mg(NO3)21MgSO4 + 1HNO3

H2SO4 +Mg(NO3)2→ MgSO4 + 2HNO3

AtomNumber in reactantsNumber in products

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