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Which statement is correct for the different rates of hydrolysis of RCl and RBr?

A   RBr is hydrolysed faster because Cl is more electronegative than Br.

B   RBr is hydrolysed faster because the C–Cl bond enthalpy is greater than C–Br.

C   RCl is hydrolysed faster because Cl is more electronegative than Br.

D   RCl is hydrolysed faster because the C–Br bond enthalpy is greater than C–Cl.

Your answer



3. What is the number of sigma bonds in a molecule of methylbenzene?

A   7

B   10

C   12

D   15

Your answer



The skeletal formula of an organic compound is shown below.

Which functional groups are present?

A   amide and alcohol

B   amide and carboxylic acid

C amine and carboxylic acid

D amine, ketone and alcohol

Your answer



The structure of a drug is shown below:

How many chiral carbon atoms are there in a molecule of the drug?

A      5

B      6

C      7

D      8

Your answer



Which process has the highest atom economy for preparing ethene, C2H4?

In each process, assume that ethene is the only product that is used.

A      C10H22 → 3C2H4 + C4H10

B      C6H14 → 2C2H4 + C2H6

C      C2H5Cl → C2H4 + HCl

D      C2H5OH → C2H4 + H2O

Your answer



Complete combustion of 0.050 mol of an alkane produces 5.40 g of H2O.

What is the molecular formula of the alkane?

A C2H6

B C3H8

C C4H10

D C5H12

Your answer



The structure of the painkiller, paracetamol, is shown below.

A tablet contains 3.31 × 10–3 mol of paracetamol. What is the mass of paracetamol in the tablet?

A      493mg

B      497mg

C      500mg

D      506 mg

Your answer


The formula of the paracetamol can be written as C8H9O2N, with a molecular mass: 8×12 + 9×1 +2×16 + 14 = 151 g mol-1.

3.31 × 10–3 mol of paracetamol are 151 x 3.31 × 10–3 = 0.49981 g = 500 mg.

Your answer: C



The compound below reacts with hydrogen gas to form a saturated compound.

What is the volume of hydrogen, measured at room temperature and pressure, that reacts with 0.0500 mol of the compound?

A      2.40 dm3

B      3.60 dm3

C      4.80 dm3

D      6.00 dm3

Your answer



Butyl propanoate is hydrolysed by aqueous sodium hydroxide.

Which compound is one of the products of this hydrolysis?

A      C3H7ONa

B      C3H5O2Na

C      C4H9ONa

D      C4H7O2Na

Your answer



The infrared spectrum of an organic compound is shown below.

Which compound could have produced this spectrum?




D      (CH3)2CHCONH2

Your answer



Which compound produces two triplets in its 1H NMR spectrum?





Your answer



Which equation(s) could be part of the propagation step in the radical substitution of C5H12 to form C5H11Cl?

1 C5H11• + Cl2 → C5H11Cl + Cl•

2 C5H12 + Cl• → C5H11Cl + H•

3 C5H11• + Cl• → C5H11Cl

A      1, 2 and 3

B      Only 1 and 2

C      Only 2 and 3

D      Only 1

Your answer



Which species could react as a nucleophile?

1 NH3

2 OH

3 CH3NH2

A      1, 2 and 3

B      Only 1 and 2

C      Only 2 and 3

D      Only 1

Your answer



Which isomer(s) of C5H12O has/have 4 peaks in its/their 13C NMR spectrum?

1   3-methylbutan-2-ol

2   2-methylbutan-2-ol

3   2-methylbutan-1-ol

A   1, 2 and 3

B   Only 1 and 2

C   Only 2 and 3

D   Only 1

Your answer


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